Job Crafting for Individuals

Define a role that you love, so your career doesn’t always have to feel like ‘work’

Articles, Exercises, and other Resources:

What Inclusion Means to Me

Inclusion - What it Means to Me Eleven years ago, Feb 6 fell on a Friday. That’s the day of the accident that left me permanently disabled. Every day I get up and hobble to the bathroom making sure to put my foot all the way down so I don’t trip or fall. Sometimes if...

One on One Coaching with Vikki

One-to-One Career Coaching

Personal advising for any career

Whether you are considering making changes to your current position or moving to another role altogether, having someone to support you helps to make the process manageable.

Designated time to explore questions often leads to personal discoveries of underappreciated skills. Empowered and motivated, you’ll be ready to confidently make the decision that’s best for you.

Connect with Vikki today to see if her job crafting methods are right for your individual career needs and goals.