Job Crafting for Individuals
Define a role that you love, so your career doesn’t always have to feel like ‘work’
Articles, Exercises, and other Resources:
Are There Stupid Questions?
For many years, I have heard others say 'there is no such thing as a stupid question.' I have said this to new hires as they join, and I see their hesitancy to ask me or other people questions. The statement is intended to put people at ease so they will ask questions...
How Do I Get A Mentor?
Hint: stop using the "M" word Career Advisors, Speakers, and Managers are regularly asked by employees how to identify and engage with a mentor in a meaningful relationship. In career classes and on-line articles about Career Development, Mentors and Sponsors are...
One-to-One Career Coaching
Personal advising for any career
Whether you are considering making changes to your current position or moving to another role altogether, having someone to support you helps to make the process manageable.
Designated time to explore questions often leads to personal discoveries of underappreciated skills. Empowered and motivated, you’ll be ready to confidently make the decision that’s best for you.
Connect with Vikki today to see if her job crafting methods are right for your individual career needs and goals.